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Front Bumper for a '99

04-24-2006, 05:20 PM
I'm needing to replace the front bumper of my 99 Passat.
Online, I see one for $90, one for $150, one for $200, etc.
What would be the difference? They all seem to be the same.
Alternatively, is there an online location for used auto body parts?

04-25-2006, 07:22 AM
you can try ebay.. or you may call these hotlines 1-888-251-1214 its from partstrain, check these bumper (http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByDepartment/Bumper), they have lots of parts, and its not that pricey..

Thanks very much Chester08. I'm going to check it out today. Checkyourdoover

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