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Sudden aut0 Tranny failure..94 G20..questions

05-21-2002, 08:55 AM
Hi, G20 owners..nice to find a place to discuss these cars. Daughter owns a 94 G20, 96K mileage, 4-spd Electronic auto tranny with 2 drive modes.
Son borrowed car last week, possibly in a bit of aggressive driving, he damaged tranny. He says he was going from 2 to 3rd, attempting to get over into another lane, at high rpm, when he lost 3rd gear ..totally. I'm not sure if he was manually shifting , or not. The car has run flawlessly, with no indication whatsoever, of a tranny problem, up until this happenned. Is it possible that the complete loss of 3rd gear could be electronic in nature(as in, over-reving shut down ? )..or, perhaps hydraulic, ie..clogged filter, valve body, ? Or does this sound like a total tranny crap-out? It doesnt slip, it simply won't go into 3rd gear, it goes from second...to absolute free spool mode. Any similar experiences, info, would be greatly appreciated.

05-21-2002, 08:16 PM
Hello and welcome to the forums. I personally am not an expert in automatics, but apparently the Auto transmission in the G20 has a life span of 100k miles. Many members have had a failure of some sort around 100k, and have had to get a rebuild. My car is a 1994 with 98,360 something miles, and I haven't had any problems yet but my fingers are crossed. Hopefully someone else on the board can give you a little more help. I'll be checking my FSM..


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