On September 15, we will be having All Ford Showdown in Waukesha, WI(subject to final approval). Everyone is invited. Its a $10 registration fee if you pre-reg, or its $15 at the gate. If everything goes right, it will be at the waukesha expo center. Please email me at
aleah@wispoc.org if you are interested. Focus, Contours, Cougars, Escorts, Mustangs, Rangers, SUVs, POC's, etc are invited.
You can print out the registration form from
http://www.ringworld.org/~noven/COM...egistration.doc - Sorry the form hasnt been updated, but it is the correct one.
Deadline is week of Aug 13. Place is still TBD, and if not enough people register by Aug 13, it will be postponed to a date TBD. Feel free to email me if your registration is goin to be late.