I'm here to get advice from you guys on what car to get for my first car. I know most people suggest getting cheap cars that don't use much petrol as their first cars but I have saved up a decent amount and actually want something nice. I have a 10k NZD limit which is about 7.5k USD. Though, I'd still like suggestions of decent cars ranging around the 5k limit as well as 10k.
Essentially I want something relatively fast, looks nice, fuel efficient and relatively spacious. I like the look of Mazda 3's (Axela) and 6's. I also like the look of Honda Accords. I really quite like the hatchback style of the Axela's. But most of this is purely off the look of the vehicle as I do not know what makes a car good.
So what do you guys recommend me getting and what things should I be aware of and be looking for when purchasing a car for the first time.
tldr; what car would you suggest for new driver to get, budget of 10k NZD (7.5k USD)