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Old 10-06-2017, 12:49 AM   #1
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crank no start Olds 98

Ok, I'm going to accept the fact that this car has taught me a lot. Even the hard way. This car has 316000 miles on her and I'm really hoping she has more time in her.
Here's my story, a year or so ago, I accept the cold hard fact that my projects and daily-drivers could no longer share the same wallet. So, the projects went bye,bye and the cash I got for those projects went to the drivers.
One of the drivers is my 94 Olds 98. Shes been the best, I mean, the best car Ive ever owned. Too damn reliable! Wanted to keep her going by addressing some issues and do PM on her as well.
The issues were a couple of DTCs relating to the EGR, O2 and CMP. This is as a result of an aggressive visit to the car wash, with engine wash. Keeping in mind where I washed, I checked the wiring and noticed exposed wire. I did address that issue and took care of it.
Here's what I did to the Olds, I replaced the water pump, both upper and lower radiator hoses(still had the factory on it), replaced both the CMP & CKP. Replaced the timing set, CMP interrupter/magnet, replaced the timing cover gasket and crankshaft seal. Then, finally, replaced the oil pan.(it was bad). I didn't know much about the oiling system of the Buick 3800. Its a different beast compared to the typical, or what I'm familiar with. Which is the submerged oil pump.
Anyway, after getting the timing marks set, and everything back together, she fired up! Had no idea what was wrong, no oil pressure. She shut down but did not lock up. Apparently, if the PCM notices no oil pressure for awhile, the PCM lowers the fuel pressure, as a safety measure to the engine.(para-phrasing).
That was mid May of this year, since then, I've installed an oil pump repair kit from Rockauto. Since doing so, I've reestablished oil pressure and fuel pressure to the fuel rail. I do have spark on all 3 coil packs. However, after testing the injectors, all 6 have power but, cyl. 1, 3 & 5 do not have crank signal. Any ideas?
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