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HotWheels Enzo color trouble

04-21-2003, 05:30 AM
The bonnet of my HotWheels 1:18 Ferrari Enzo changes color slowly. Does anyone else have this problem? It's looking awful. Who else thinks Hotwheels makes the lowest quality models? I think Burago and Maisto do better.

By the way, does anyone know when the Burago Vanquish is coming?

04-21-2003, 06:51 AM
Can you post a pic? I'm beginning to like hotwheels less and less after I got the viper srt-10. The back wheels are on an axle! Its sad that they were so cheap they couldn't make to wheels spin independently. :mad:

04-21-2003, 10:00 AM
No problem with my Enzo at all. I think the quality is really good for how low the price is. I think Maisto makes the biggest POS models there is.

04-21-2003, 03:17 PM
I have never heard of anything like this happen before. I would think of Hot Wheels as better quality models than Maisto and Burago.

04-22-2003, 01:39 AM
I've got the Burago SRT-10,'when you just paint some things in the interior you've got a very nice model. I tried to make a picture of it, but you can't see the color diference on it. The metal parts are a little darker red then the (plastic) boots color. The boot also has lots of tiny scraches and the windows as well, this means that Hotwheels makes very low quality plastic parts, cause I don't have other models with scraches on the windows like this. Why has Hotwheels got all licences to built this Enzo, I wish there was a Maisto or AutoArt version of it.

04-22-2003, 01:52 AM
And ehh, for the ones who think Hotwheels is ok. Look at the Burago F50, Maisto Morgan Aero 8 or Maisto Mercedes CLK DTM and GTR. These are very very nice models. The interior of that Morgan for example, even UT can't beat that. The F50 is Burago's best, look at the good fitting parts and great interior/engine details. Then you see that Enzo, The interior is awfull to see, a sticker with speedometers, a Ferrari emblem on the steering wheel and the rest is whole black and contains sharp edges. Then you have the cheap boot, painted headlights and if you touch the chrome painted Ferrar logo at the back, the paint erases. The only thing I think is good at this model is the engine detailing. This is of course only my opinion, I know that Burago and Maisto made some of the worst models ever (Burago E Type and Maisto Diablo for example). But they proved they can do better then that, but Hotwheels didn't.

04-22-2003, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by riconijhof
I've got the Burago SRT-10,'when you just paint some things in the interior you've got a very nice model. I tried to make a picture of it, but you can't see the color diference on it. The metal parts are a little darker red then the (plastic) boots color. The boot also has lots of tiny scraches and the windows as well, this means that Hotwheels makes very low quality plastic parts, cause I don't have other models with scraches on the windows like this. Why has Hotwheels got all licences to built this Enzo, I wish there was a Maisto or AutoArt version of it.

Well BBR make a 1:43 Enzo in both Red and Yellow, but of course the price is sky high :p.

I've had no problem whatsoever with my Enzo, although mind you, as soon as I got it I put it in its own individual glass case like I do with all my models :).

As far as Maisto vs. Mattel, recently Maisto have made far superior models aka Carrera GT. This model would be a leap ahead of the Enzo detail wise.

I'd love to see a Mattel Diablo GTR side by side with the AutoArt equalivant, just to see how bad Mattels are becoming.

04-23-2003, 11:34 AM
offtopic but do they make 1/24 srt 10 by bburago?

04-23-2003, 01:37 PM
I don't think so.

04-29-2003, 01:26 PM
You guys must be kidding. Bburagos are almost certainly the most awful models and they hardly bring out new models anymore. Hotwheels are only slightly better and IMO the finish and bodies of all my Hotwheels are great. Maisto is the best of the three and in my list I'd put the company just behind Kyosho and Autoart(it doesnt compare with these two but I put it here for VFM). It's really sad to see a company like Anson which is better than both Bburago and Hotwheels by far go bankrupt, yet see the latter two surviving on none of their own merit.

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