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2001 Toyota Landcruiser Lost Key

02-06-2010, 10:54 AM
I bought a 2001 Toyota Landcruiser In Dubai and had it shipped to Africa, where I currently reside. The valet key(s) never made it in the shipment. Then, 2 weeks ago I lost my master key and tried to call the dealership in Dubai to get new keys. They simply told me that the key was not available and to see with my local toyota dealers. They only have one Toyota dealership in this city and they giving me the runaround pretexing that I have to tow the car there for a $100 plus another $100 to establish an invoice for "repairs". From the posts on this site, I get the feeling that it's a worldwide Toyota policy to change the ECM (they call it calculator over here) and charge the customer up the a... Can somebody suggest a solution for me? I tried to cut a key but the engine won't start? I feel really screwed and lost and any help is welcome.

03-05-2010, 04:46 AM
yeah seems likes theres a chip inside that key that cant be copy by any hardware..Tha only way is to get to a dealer and have them program a new key for you.Unless you want to bypass the security and just use a copied key..i got the wiring diagram if you are familiar with wiring.

03-05-2010, 12:35 PM
Thank you very much sir, I would love to receive the wiring diagram. Actually I've had an car electrician bypass the security and start the car. Now the engine immobiliser light blinks permanantly but I can live with that and it sure beats getting raped for hundreds of $$$ by the local Toyota dealership. I'm curious to know how he did it though, because he wouldn't tell me claiming that it's a "trade secret". Do you have any insights? I appreciate your interest. My email adress is wundu2g@yahoo.com. Thanks again.

12-31-2010, 07:30 PM
PLEASE HELP!! I have a 99 land cruiser and lost my only chipped key. My car is sitting at a toyota dealership as i type. I have lost my key before and took it to a dealership where i had a friend in parts. He cut me a vallet key to open my doors then cut me a chipped key and programmed it. total time was about an hour. So now, this current dealership is telling me i need a new ecm in order for me to get my car started? I asked them why didn't i need a new ecm last time i lost my key and they said i dont know? I have a feeling they are trying to sell me something i dont need. So my question is do i really need a new ecm in order to get my car started or can they just program a chipped key like they did the first time and send me on my way?
thanks in advance!

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