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92 maxima se problems starting

01-20-2010, 02:41 AM
I have a 92 maxima se that I just recently bought. The motor has 98000 miles on it. does not matter if its warm or cold it takes several times to start the motor. I have to then rev the motor up to get it to stay running then when I let go of the gas it stays running but it runs bad. After it it gets warm it seems to idle and run better. If I drive the car it will start bucking . no mattter how much gas i push down it doesn't take it ..if I pull my foot off the gas and then put it back on it then takes the gas and it runs good again. Then it does it again. It does sometimes stalls out also. I have changed the plugs and I changed the throttle position sensor..what next?

01-21-2010, 12:32 AM
I have a 92 maxima se that I just recently bought. The motor has 98000 miles on it. does not matter if its warm or cold it takes several times to start the motor. I have to then rev the motor up to get it to stay running then when I let go of the gas it stays running but it runs bad. After it it gets warm it seems to idle and run better. If I drive the car it will start bucking . no mattter how much gas i push down it doesn't take it ..if I pull my foot off the gas and then put it back on it then takes the gas and it runs good again. Then it does it again. It does sometimes stalls out also. I have changed the plugs and I changed the throttle position sensor..what next?

Run diagnostics. Check out the ECTS (temp sensor), ...see link below

If the engine is VG30E (SOHC, has distibutor) - then swap wires, Cap.
If not, Coilpacks start dying at 100k miles, buy new (aargh$$$). (checkcampos sensor signal)

Groundings, connectors, all 1000pins, definitely need cleanup...see link below

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