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help! after painting

11-22-2009, 03:13 PM
Hi! i am going to paint the car body of my tamiya gt-r.

i primed it. than i will spray paint it. after that i need to clear coat it right?
since i have no airbrush is the Tamiya TS-79 right?

thanks a lot!

ps i've read several tutorial but i am a bit confused about this step

11-22-2009, 03:31 PM
Hi! I am going to paint the car body of my Tamiya GT-R. I primed it, then I will spray paint it. After that I need to clear coat it right?
Since I have no airbrush is Tamiya TS-79 right?

Which GT-R are you building road or race and what colour are you using for the body..?? If you are using a gloss colour from the Tamiya TS range to paint the body then it will dry with a high gloss anyway, so no need to apply clear. However if you are building one of the racing versions you may wish to paint it the correct colour, add the many decals and then use a clear over the decals to seal them... But even then a clear coat is not strictly necessary, it's personal choice. Also if you do clear TS-79 is semi gloss so it will dry with a satin finish. If you want a high gloss finish TS-13 is the one to use.

11-22-2009, 04:25 PM
hi steve! thank you for reply!

i am building the stock road GT-R. i am going to use the grey paint (don't remember the code, it's a tamiya TS how ever).
i have no need to keep the decals steady with the transparent since there are no decals :D

but it really want to get a realistic look. so what do you suggest? the TS-79 semi gloss or the gloss TS-13?
i'd rather get a realistic glossy effect, but not too much, you know.. :D

PS: i painted the glasses using the mask tape provided in the kit. do you think i should use the transparent here to avoid the "step" between glass and painted surfaces?

11-22-2009, 05:25 PM
hi steve! thank you for reply!

i am building the stock road GT-R. i am going to use the grey paint (don't remember the code, it's a tamiya TS how ever).
i have no need to keep the decals steady with the transparent since there are no decals :D

but it really want to get a realistic look. so what do you suggest? the TS-79 semi gloss or the gloss TS-13?
i'd rather get a realistic glossy effect, but not too much, you know.. :D

PS: i painted the glasses using the mask tape provided in the kit. do you think i should use the transparent here to avoid the "step" between glass and painted surfaces?

If you are using a metallic paint for the body a clear over the top would provide the most realistic finish. I would use the TS 13 myself not the TS 79. If you use the TS 13 go easy and not too heavy coats because if applied heavy it can 'burn' through the colour coats. A better option may be Gunze Mr Top Coat clear if you can get hold of that, it's a lot easier on the underlying paint layers.
I've never used a clear coat on the glass parts. Once they are installed the step will be on the inside and not very noticeable.

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