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HLJ removes the sale of aerosols

exhaust smoke
10-06-2009, 04:18 AM
Hi All,

Just got an email this morning from HLJ informing me that they no longer will be supplying aerosols. This is due to the Japanese Government saying that their packaging for aerosols is insufficient. As a result, in order to 'ugrade' their packaging, this will be economically unfeasible for the business.

I am quite gutted at this news, as I like to purchase Tamiya aerosols through HLJ.

10-07-2009, 06:09 PM
Oh great,

It seems to harder and harder to get the aerosols any whare.
Now even in Japan (seeming it is saying 'Made in Japan' it is ironic).

For modellers that depend on these it is getting harder and harder.
It does speed up the use of the airbrush.

Hope read more info on this.


10-07-2009, 09:45 PM
I don't know if this will help you guys across the pond but, in the US the best place I have found is www.hobbylinc.com for Tamiya and Testors paints. They beat my hobby shop by 1 to 2 $US per Tamiya can.


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