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1996 Explorer code reader

10-04-2009, 11:15 PM
1996 Explorer 5.0. What type of scanner do i need to pull a service engine soon code from this vehicle? What is the cheapest version of the aforementioned scanner? I have a CAN OBD 2 scanner, but it will not read codes off this vehicle as it must predate OBD 2. (I had the same thing with this scanner trying to pull codes off a friend's 1997 Dodge). Thanks for any input.

10-05-2009, 06:21 AM
Often a scan tool that is CAN capable is also backward compatible. Do you have the manual for your scan tool to see if that is the case? You don't want to go purchase another scan tool only to find the problem isn't with the scan tool but rather with a wire to the OBD-2 port or something like that.

Suggesting which scan tool might be best for you is difficult. Do you want one that you can upgrade in the future? Do you want one that reads CAN as well so you can sell your current one? Do you want one that is programmed with enhanced manufacturer-specific codes? Do you want one that could also read domestic OBD-I? Do you want one that has a datastream mode so you can monitor various parameters while driving which can greatly increase your troubleshooting? Or do you truly want the cheapest one you can get that will read your 1996 Explorer. There are very inexpensive readers only display the generic codes for OBD-2, and most parts stores and even department stores will have these.


10-05-2009, 12:57 PM
What protocol does this vehicle use? Is it OBD 1? I know my scanner is ok as it worked on the 2004 Chevy I had. You could see the scanner go through various protocols when I hooked it up to the Explorer (and the 97 Dodge) but it didn't appear to be able to find the backwards compatible protocol these vehicles had.

10-05-2009, 01:09 PM
It should be OBD-II of some form, 1996 was the mandate and I don't believe your Explorer would have fallen into the heavy duty class which did not require OBD-II. I'm not sure if it is CAN though.


10-05-2009, 02:50 PM
Hey Rod. CAN did not start until around 2005. Does it have the ODDII connector? If it does, a simple scan tool to read codes will work. They are not expensive. If it does not, there is a connector under the hood. Click here for information on code retrieval. (http://www.troublecodes.net/Ford/)

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