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F40 wiring and plumbing diagrams

09-17-2009, 03:11 PM
I've recently started 1/12 f40 but I can't get hold of any detail pics of wiring and plumbing of the engine. Can anyone help me with this? I would really apreciate it,

drunken monkey
09-17-2009, 03:17 PM
from the magic that is eurospares.

link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31733&S=)
link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31737&S=)
link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31735&S=)

there's more on their lists and also have a look in the coachwork section as well as sometimes they have other very useful diagrams "hidden" there.

09-18-2009, 08:59 AM
from the magic that is eurospares.

link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31733&S=)
link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31737&S=)
link (http://www.eurospares.co.uk/partTable.asp?M=1&Mo=575&A=1&B=31735&S=)

there's more on their lists and also have a look in the coachwork section as well as sometimes they have other very useful diagrams "hidden" there.

It's a great link-Thanks Mate

09-18-2009, 12:04 PM
very useful link。thanks a lot!!

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