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About to buy Seville '02, any known problems?

09-14-2009, 01:51 AM

I am about to get a silver Seville 2002 (116K miles) in what seems to be a very good condition judging from the photos. I have not seen the car personally yet.

Do you have any advice for me what to check specifically? Are there any known problems attributed to this SLS model?

Any comments?

Much appreciate a speedy response.

BTW, I own '97 Deville for 7 years.

09-16-2009, 10:30 PM
BTW, I own '97 Deville for 7 years.

I own the same car.

So I guess you know about the HG problems with this engine. Imo 116k is getting close to the typical HG failure. I know that GM changed the head bolt thread pitch on the later Northstars, but I don't think its entirely fixed the problem.
Find out if the engine has been repaired with Time-serts. Big plus if it has :)

Otherwise, check out carsurvey.org. Great site.

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