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Thumping in front end, tire feels loose

08-16-2009, 04:42 AM
My 2001 Sportage started making a thumping noise i noticed at lower speeds. It sounds like when you run over one of those warning bumps in the highway,, Continuously. I pushed and pulled on the passenger side wheel where the noise was coming from. The tire felt loose and made a noise the other tires didn't feel loose at all. Can someone please help me get some idea of what's wrong? I'm a woman and most mechanics see me coming and hope I have a lot of money. So, if i could get some advice as to what this might be, I would be grateful.

08-16-2009, 11:46 AM
If you where pushing/pulling at the 9 and 3 position you could have been feeling a loose tie rod or lower ball joint. If you where pushing/pulling at the 12 and 6 position it could have been the wheel bearing that felt loose.

If you can physically wiggle the tire back and forth and feel movement than you will be able to see what is moving. Take a picture of it, post it, and we'll let you know what it is.

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