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Launching the Nissan Cube In Canada

04-18-2009, 12:23 PM
For the launch of the nissan cube in canada, they are using an entirely online-social networking promotion strategy (to kind of go along with their younger, more unique target market! In fact I was chosen as one of the 500 contestants who have a shot at winning this new car, through a promotion through nissan canada.
For info on the contest, check: http://hypercube.ca/en/media.html
To vote for my canvas and help me win a new nissan cube, click here: http://hypercube.ca/en/Canvas.aspx?id=e1143499-7663-4e2d-afa2-42b103eaa2f4&lang=en

you are able to vote for me once a day, every day until may 15, and i would REALLY LOVE the support of the Automotive forums!!

i've been reading ur website for about a month now, but i figured i'd finally speak up :smile:
thank you for your time!!

10-13-2009, 03:15 PM
Many of those winning entries are very remedial, to my disappointment. I hope you won & that your entry was a work of pure genius!!!

10-19-2009, 07:30 PM
Unfortunately I did not win, there ended up being a lot of drama involved with the contest, but that's ok. I got to meet a lot of creative people, and it was a fun experience overall :)

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