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My first contest

04-04-2009, 12:07 AM
hey guys im entering a local model show and im doing tamiyas porsche 956 with a little wiring and plumbing and was wondering if any of my af buddies knew of some good reference pics or sites,,,ive done all the traditional internet searches and it seems hard to find a really good pic of the engine bay..if i make stuff up such as plumbing and its wrong do i lose points or something for that

04-04-2009, 06:05 PM
The main thing in almost any contest class is fit and finish. The car needs to look well done, clean, and mistake free as possible. If the model has the look that is was done "right" most people do not question where the lines or wires are going. When it comes to plumbing and wiring if you make it believable looking most people would have no idea if it is right or wrong. In 1/12 scale a judge would have an easier time comparing pictures if there was any.

However, if 2 models both look equally good and 1 has references that show the model is correct then, that model should win. Judges start looking for basics building techniques first, then look for level of detail, extra parts, etc.

I couldn't find a link to a 956 but, this page has a 962. http://www.gurneyflap.com/sportproto2.html

Lastly go to the contest to have fun and learn. If you win a trophy great, and if not then try to learn how to improve so, that you can do better next time.


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