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got a question about paper work i found

03-31-2009, 05:31 PM
while i was tearing out my interior getting ready to redo all of it i found a piece of paper taped to the top of the head liner i looked on line about it an found out that is was the original bild sheet for it i was wondering how rare it it is to have one its a lil ripped but other then that its still pretty good though about putting it in a icture frame but if it aint nothing really worth having to show stuff then i wont cause i will be taking ths to car show figure it might be nice to have in a frame sitting on the engine or something just let me know if it worth any thing

04-02-2009, 04:33 PM
Nice to have & display. Can also aid in resale, the more documentation of your specific vehicle, the better. I would keep it. ~ Jon

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