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1992 Lebaron headlight door relay location

03-30-2009, 09:35 AM
Cannot get power to headlight door motor (doors work when I jump motor direct to battery). Have check all fuses, & cleaned all wire connecters.
Is there a relay I 've missed, and where is it located? :banghead:

04-01-2009, 08:21 PM
I have a 91 Lebaron and had intermittant problems with the doors also. There are 3 relays for the headlight doors located in the fuse box that is located along the drivers side fender in the engine compartment. I believe 1 relay is for power, 1 controls closing, and 1 is for opening the doors. Don't let anyone tell you that a relay is either good or bad, that is not true. After replacing the relays, the doors work perfect.

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