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Brakes Question

03-28-2009, 11:12 PM
I have a 2002 Avalanche 1500 the problem Im having is a popping sound from the rear right when stopping or accelerating (almost like something is shifting or broken although a visual insp doesnt show much) Pads seem to have some left but are wearing a little uneven. at first I thought maybe a shock however the problem does not exist if the car is moving and I punch the pedal only stopping or starting. has anyone else had this problem and does it sound like rear brakes or something else? not sure how many miles on this set of rotors and pads as they have been replaced within the past year.

03-31-2009, 03:01 PM
Sounds like something inside the parking brake assembly is loose. There are hold-down springs that are supposed to keep the brake shoes from moving. Hopefully nothing is tumbling around loose in there, potentially scoring the brake drum surface.

Another possibility is a worn u-joint, though your description isn't exactly correct. A clunking noise would be heard whenever you accelerated or decelerated...and very noticable from a stop.

Hope this helps!

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