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Be a contributor of the finest online magazine!

03-23-2009, 09:25 AM
Dear friends, today I'm contacting you to offer the opportunity to become a serious contributor of our magazine. We are looking for people who can fulfill our requirements, writing large and comprehensive modelling articles about cars (also airplanes, armor. Etc).
If you decide to send us an article, please click here to read the following guidelines.

Inquires should be sent to the editor

So please, if you are about to start a model or if you have a technique, put your fingers on the keyboard and your camera on the workbench and share it with us.
The articles selected will be rewarded and also you will be able to get discounts as well as samples from HobbyLink Japan free of charge.
Nothing will be published without you approval. Please contact the Editor in order to share a text and / or pictures. You might send an article already published in other media, only if you keep the rights on it.
Don't miss the opportunity to take part in the finest online modeling magazine's staff.
Thanks for reading.

03-23-2009, 03:36 PM
Hmm, interested.

03-24-2009, 05:41 AM
Well, the only problem i have is that i hate to write long essays, BUT, i will definitely give it a try one day for this hobby! Thanks for giving us the modelers this chance!


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