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2001 prius battery problem

03-17-2009, 01:25 PM
I have a 2001 Prius, and a hybrid fault came up on the screen. I took it in and was told that #4 cell had a fault and it needed a need battery. Has anyone else heard of this and is there a fix, I dont want to speed $3650.00 for a new battery!!

03-21-2009, 01:50 PM
Is this the first time that the battery has had a problem? If so you have gotten a good run.with the unit. I guess external testing could confirm that you have a bad cell/bank, butthe on board diagnostics are probably right on. and a new battery is the fix.

03-21-2009, 03:45 PM
I would not mess with it yourself, it isn't just any battery but a series of batteries that add up to like 275v and a rediculous amount of amperage. Screw up and you will die, no joke. Have the dealer do the work, it isn't worth it unless you've been properly trained.

12-22-2009, 06:14 PM
I have just had the same problem with mine! I have a Bunch of error codes at hand! And Have been told they all point towards the battery! Am in the Process of sorting out this problem! Maywell have to open up my own thread! Good luck....

P.s. there is a Guy in US thats clued up with these batterys, is a Prius owner, & has ways of fixing these batterys by supplying cells of the same current spec/usage as your own! by testing measuring & then charging & discharging, You have probably come across his posts, Or if not post up here & I can Point you towards his methods / contact etc..

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