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need information..please help

03-16-2009, 01:13 AM
Dear Guys,

Is there anyone who can give me information about local hobby shop in Singapore that sell full range of crazy modellers, top studio and other up grade parts like PE, carbon fibre, detail up set, etc for motorbikes 1:12 model.

Since I live out side Singapore (i live in Indonesia) and i'm about to visit singapore in 2 or 3 days ahead.It wil be appreciated if there's someone who lived in singapore, would share the info.

thanx in advance.


03-16-2009, 06:02 AM
One of my favourite online shops are situated in singapore, don't know if they have a physical store though. The site mediamixhobby.com.sg just refer to the address below as "postal address" so probably not a store to visit.

MediaMix Hobby Pte Ltd
10 Anson Road
#21-02 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Tel: 65-62252028
Fax: 65-62252042

03-16-2009, 10:16 AM
Thanx for the info joel,....

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