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What is the name for the engine craddle

01-06-2009, 05:49 PM
I am restoring a 72 Beetle and I want to locate the plastic engine craddle that is located around the engine at the base of the engine compartment area where the engine comes up through the body portion of the compartment.

Does anyone know what the name of this part is? I can't seem to locate it on the web anywhere.

01-06-2009, 09:02 PM
I don't know what you mean by "craddle", the engine mounts to the transaxle by 4 bolts. That's the only thing holding the engine in.

You may be thinking about the rubber seal that isolates the engine compartment from the underside of the car. This is an important piece as it prevents exhaust heat from getting into the engine compartment and frying the engine.



You'll need both pieces. the "U" shaped one goes around the back and sides of the engine and the straight one seals the front of the engine.

01-07-2009, 09:24 AM
I don't know what you mean by "craddle", the engine mounts to the transaxle by 4 bolts. That's the only thing holding the engine in.

You may be thinking about the rubber seal that isolates the engine compartment from the underside of the car. This is an important piece as it prevents exhaust heat from getting into the engine compartment and frying the engine.



You'll need both pieces. the "U" shaped one goes around the back and sides of the engine and the straight one seals the front of the engine.

Thanks, That is what it seems to be. i guess it is so old that it is hard like plastic. I managed to seperate the body from the frame last night and was able to see what it looked like.

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