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Polishing 2K Clear

11-11-2008, 10:30 AM
I recently made a purchase of some Zero paints and 2K clear from Hiroboy.com. Overall, I'm very impressed with these products. The clear dried to a great shine with minimal orange peel. The problem is that this clear seems to be much "harder" than any clear that I have ever used. Unfortunately, I have a few specs of dust in the finish that I need to remove and my micro mesh does not seem to be cutting this finish in any way. What does everyone else use to polish this finish?

11-11-2008, 12:50 PM

I don't agree with you here. Micromesh does get through. It just takes considerably longer than with softer clears.
I had some orange peel on one of the projects I'm working on. And to remove it, I used MM polishing cloths from 3600 grit upwards. And IMHO it works a treat. Sure, it takes some time, but after MM I've used Tamiya compounds coarse, fine and superfine and the result is great !

Just give it a try. I'm sure it will work out for you too.

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