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11-06-2008, 09:29 PM
hi guys
been really busy ,so have not done much to the car, but i do have a question? standred chevelle,radio,wiper ,etc. o option.
just how mant amps will be drawn from the alt.? i at the point of buying one and i see 40, 80 100, even 200 amps, of course all diff. price, but what do i need to been in good shape and not be a over kill?

11-08-2008, 09:27 PM
100 amp switch to a one wire type. Summit or Jegs brand.

11-09-2008, 02:15 AM
100 amp? He said "0 options"
I doubt he will be putting a ghetto blaster or hydro's on it....:tongue: :lol:

11-10-2008, 02:05 PM
The standard alternator is 37 amps, the optional is 63 amps for cars with power everything. If this is an alternator with the external voltage regulator, you should change that at the same time. Otherwise go with the 37 amp one and you should be fine.


11-10-2008, 06:16 PM
just how mant amps will be drawn from the alt...... but what do i need to been in good shape and not be a over kill?

Consider the draw is all the electrical accessories are on.Yes, I know you will not usually turn everything on at once, but consider the heaviest draw....

Well, the ignition system draws about 5 amps tops.

2 headlights plus running and dash lights....about 14 amps

Radio, wipers and vent fan, another 10 amps, tops.

So with all items you will consume about 29 amps.

You could get by with a 37 amp alternator, but this does not leave much extra capacity for charging a weak battery.

So, I would say go for the heaviest capacity factory alternator you can find. The older small-frame "SI-10" alternator comes in several configurations from 37 to 96 amps. The heaviest ones, (78 and 96 amp) are hard to come by.

But the 63 amp version is very common and will easily meet your needs.

BTW There are also a couple of versions approx 45 and 55 amp that were made, too.

11-22-2008, 10:33 PM
very good information,i agree with all ,iam going with the 100 amps ,just because the cost is around the same, and really it the service and warranty that counts.a other question i would like to add is,the block is from 75 so the alt. mounts on the driver side,seems that finding a brackets is some what hard to do, unless you want to mount it low. i did finally find one, but listen it did not come easy! and i did not want to change heads to put it on the pass. side,i already did the work on these heads.but i really like it to be on pass. side, but i did not want to spend alot of money on alumm. brackets.and a buy a new water pump again,stupid me brought a short water pump not a long!so do i have any other option?

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