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HRV IACV problem

11-03-2008, 06:18 AM
Hi there, my name is lado and i'm from Georgia (country, not in US), i have honda HRV 1999y with automatic gear box. and it's working normally on idle speed, but as soon as i shift the gear from P to D there is a sound like "dong" and the engine shuts down, the diagnostics says 14-4 IACV Circuit failure, IACV is for Idle air control valve:confused:, as for we do not have here honda dealer center I do not know what to do:banghead:, could you please somebody help me with this problem here? please if anybody knows something about this kind of a situation please help

01-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Clean the throttle valve and clean the IAC valve which is attached to the throttle body. make sure the valve is operating after u clean it. its not a big deal to clean this

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