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2000 Grand Am fuel pressure test port?

09-18-2008, 08:53 PM
My daughter has been having a random no start condition with her 2000 Grand Am 4 cylinder, 90k miles. When it will not start, it will run on starting fluid so I can rule out spark as the culprit. After it sits for a while it will start and run fine for days or weeks then act up with no warning. I wanted to test her fuel pressure and bought a test kit but cannot figure out where to test the fuel pressure. Any help would be appreciated, I do not see a test port anywhere on the vehicle.

09-18-2008, 10:43 PM
thier is not a port on the 4cyl. You need the adapter kit that attaches to the fuel line inlet on the left.

Should be 41-47 PSI W/EGR and 52-58 W/O EGR.
Also I would replace the fuel filter if it hasnt been changed recenttly.

Hope that helps.

09-19-2008, 06:54 AM
Thanks for the reply. Is the inlet line underneath the pressure regulator? Where do you get the adapter kit? Mine came with various clamps hoses and possibly the correct adapter. How do you attach and how do you relieve pressure in system without spraying gas all over? Do you test with the motor running? Never checked fuel pressure before.


09-19-2008, 07:59 AM
- To relieve the fuel pressure, disconnect the fuel pump connector or pull the fuel pump fuse.
- Attempt to start the car and crank it over for 3-5 seconds, this should relieve the pressure.

Here is a pic of how to connect the adapter to the fuel lines.

09-20-2008, 07:35 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for your help and great information. I have not checked yet and am still trying to figure out how to get my hands in there to disconnect the lines. If all checks out okay, what would be your next guess. I am thinking if her fuel pump was bad, it would act up more often, car has been running fine with no incidents for the past two weeks. I was thinking about checking the fuse, relay, and harness by the tank, seems to me there may be a bad connection somewhere. If I get it figured out I will be sure to post my results. Thanks again.

09-20-2008, 10:08 AM
Moto, The fuel lines have easily accessible quick connects near the brake fluid reservoir. This is where the adapters are installed.

Make sure the security light is not flashing when this happens!

09-20-2008, 10:43 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for your help and great information. I have not checked yet and am still trying to figure out how to get my hands in there to disconnect the lines. If all checks out okay, what would be your next guess. I am thinking if her fuel pump was bad, it would act up more often, car has been running fine with no incidents for the past two weeks. I was thinking about checking the fuse, relay, and harness by the tank, seems to me there may be a bad connection somewhere. If I get it figured out I will be sure to post my results. Thanks again.

No problem and youre welcome.

On the fuel pump, they tend to act up when the tank is low on fuel. If the tank if over half full you usualy dont have to much trouble with a flaky fuel pump, but when the tank gets low the pump heats up and slowly winds down.

Dont forget to replace that fuel filter. A clogged one will do simular things, they are supposed to be changed every 20-30 K miles.

And as Airjer mentioned if the security light is flashing when the no start happens it could be something else malfunctioning like the ignition switch.

Grand am owner
02-11-2017, 03:37 PM
Hi, what I do is after I pull the fuel filter and blow thru it to check it. The hose that fed the filter can accept a tube and the pressure testor can be connected with a hose clamp

02-12-2017, 12:43 PM
Welcome to AF Grand am owner.

No need to bring up an already answered thread, that's 9 yrs old.

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