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Need some help with performance boost

08-17-2008, 07:03 PM
I don't know a lot about car engines. Well, the advanced things anyway.
I'm looking to boost performance in my car, not turn it into a street racer.

I need the rpm's to increase or decrease faster and burn fuel more efficiently.

I don't really know where to start in researching... so... I just need a few points in the right direction and suggestions on parts/brands... stuff like that.

I have a 2001 Cavalier. 2 door. Automatic.
I know you're gonna tell me I should have got a manual. Well, I couldn't because i need something that my girl can drive, too. And she refuses to learn stick.

Thanks in advance

08-17-2008, 09:16 PM
What motor do you have?


08-17-2008, 09:34 PM
What motor do you have?



08-18-2008, 12:33 AM
Buy something else, honestly. You'll be spending thousands before you actually get anything significant out of that motor.

We've got about $25K into a fully built motor,turbo setup, beefed up trans, 18psi and we're only at 298whp.

Even with all the bolt ons on the market, your only going to get it up to make 120whp est. You gotta get inside that motor and upgrade internals to yield anything significant.

Or go nitrous.

I had the same 2.2 auto motor in my sedan, its long gone and has a supercharged eco 5 speed now

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