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97 626 LX pass. side half-shaft removal from case?

08-06-2008, 07:52 AM
'97 626 LX 4cyl auto. I'm replacing the CV joints and have gotten stuck on how to pull the passenger/right side from the differential. On the left side, the short shaft looks like any other, tripod against the case, stick a pry bar between and out it came. On the right side tho, the tripod is located in the middle of the shaft, and where it enters the case there is a only a round "socket" with a small groove around it. There is nothing to pry against, pulling on it obviously won't work, and the parts store had no clue what I was talking about. They suggested a slide hammer, but it doesn't seem there would be room enough to use it properly.
This car has been a real pleasure to work on , as someone replaced the transmission after my friend bought it, and did all kinds of things wrong, I.E. did not put the bolt back in the trans. mount, rounded off bolts, didn't stake hub nut correctly, etc., and I'd like to know what it takes to remove this joint so I can finish it and get it out of my driveway. :headshake

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