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transmission won't engage

05-18-2008, 04:15 PM
Hi this is my first post.
I'm French speaking so I hope that I will be explaining this well.
We purchased an older car in good working condition (Mazda 626 hatchback 1991) Last week our son in law said he could replace the antifreeze and clean the rad.The rad was still a bit warm so he said he could cool it down and he decided to hose it down,he ended up flooding the front compartment. After he was done with this mess my husband try to back up the car and absolutly nothing was moving.It starts fine and the gear box was working but it would not move in any gear. It's an automatic trans.and it ca be moved in neutral.We had to tow it back home and being both retired we can't invest a ton of money in repairs but if you have some ideas of were to start looking it would be much appreciated.
Thank you

05-31-2008, 07:05 PM

did you check the transmission cooling line? You may have missed to put it back or might have pinched or bent it. Was the ATF leaked when you tried to start the car? Check the ATF level too. The cooling line usually is inside the radiator for mazda.

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