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power antenna doesn't go down all the way

05-04-2008, 03:26 PM
it goes up just fine but has about an inch left as it goes down and just quits.

Is my motor going out or is it just stuck on dirt?

anyone have a fix for this?

05-04-2008, 05:30 PM
I would guess something is stuck inside of it. If the motor was going out, it would either go up and down really slowly, or just randomly stop working. That's my guess.

05-04-2008, 07:18 PM
My friends does the same thing. It goes up and down fine but stick up about 1 inch from going all the way down. Never tried to fix it so I have no idea whats wrong with it.

vanilla gorilla
05-04-2008, 11:05 PM
I dont know whats wrong with it, so Im really not contributing to this thread at all....but I hate them dang power antennas, mine F'd up not long after I got the car...then I just pushed it down and unhooked it. Its freakin ugly when its up, mines like 4 foot high, lol. Everybody picked on me and said I had an RC car, but thats exactly what it looked like...I swear that was the first thing you saw when you looked at the car....whenever I repaint it...the antenna is going in the trash and a patch panel is going in its place.

05-05-2008, 07:20 AM
I dont know whats wrong with it, so Im really not contributing to this thread at all....but I hate them dang power antennas, mine F'd up not long after I got the car...then I just pushed it down and unhooked it. Its freakin ugly when its up, mines like 4 foot high, lol. Everybody picked on me and said I had an RC car, but thats exactly what it looked like...I swear that was the first thing you saw when you looked at the car....whenever I repaint it...the antenna is going in the trash and a patch panel is going in its place.

don't use the radio much i'm guessing?

05-05-2008, 07:58 AM
don't use the radio much i'm guessing?

That's what iPod + aux cables are for... :tongue:

05-05-2008, 08:21 AM
That's what iPod + aux cables are for... :tongue:

I use that too, but i like to hear the news and talk radio in the morn on the way to work, maybe i'm just getting old....

vanilla gorilla
05-05-2008, 11:02 AM
don't use the radio much i'm guessing?

Never. My oldschool tupac cds are all the entertainment i need.

05-05-2008, 02:47 PM
My antenna works fine by I also unhooked the power going to it. It was ugle as shit when it was up. I just ran a wire into the fender for my radio. It kinda sucks but you can still hear it.

05-05-2008, 04:18 PM
is it hard to disconnect the power to it?

05-05-2008, 04:23 PM
i disconnected power to mine, and have a wire through the rear bumper also, but its antenna wire, and mine works GREAT! if i get the car repainted, i'm going to shave the antenna along with the rear wiper ;)

05-07-2008, 06:31 AM
I did shave mine when I painted my car from balck to white. Mine wasn't poer though, and now I miss the radio to and from work. So now I have a power that will sit anywhere I put it once it is connected, on thing is that I have to provide power and ground for it. I would have put it in and posted some pics up this coming weekend but my car is doodoo right now.

05-08-2008, 03:34 PM
i disconnected power to mine, and have a wire through the rear bumper also, but its antenna wire, and mine works GREAT! if i get the car repainted, i'm going to shave the antenna along with the rear wiper ;)

how do you disconnect power to it?

09-01-2008, 11:37 PM
i know this is kind of an old thread but my power antenna completely died. But it died while being up. I can't push it down(or maybe i'm just not giving it enough force?)

anyway how can I get it down and how do you guys disconnect power to it


09-02-2008, 07:19 AM
The motor probably died. You can pull the back panels off and get access to the motor to test for power. I doubt you will be able to push it down without damaging it. Best thing to do is to take it apart and lower it that way. But then your not going to pick up any radio stations so your pretty much screwed each way.

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