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96' Achieva SC 2.4L Drive cycles?

03-28-2008, 04:46 PM
All right, so we had our check engine light cleared on that car so that we could pass E-Check and they said they couldn't read the computer because it had registered the new parts we put in. They said it needed to go through a drive cycle to reset everything. Does anyone know the drive cycle on this car?? :banghead:

03-28-2008, 07:29 PM
All right, so we had our check engine light cleared on that car so that we could pass E-Check and they said they couldn't read the computer because it had registered the new parts we put in. They said it needed to go through a drive cycle to reset everything. Does anyone know the drive cycle on this car?? :banghead: I'm not exactly sure, but I had the same experience last year - I'd pulled the negative cable off the battery for a few hours to do some work on the car the day before bringing it in, and they told me it hadn't gone a full drive cycle yet. But luckily, here in PA at least, they're required to test it again for free w/in 24 hrs (or so they told me). We picked the car up, my wife took it out to the outlet mall to do some shopping (~30 miles each way), and we dropped it off again the next morning. That was apparently enough, they retested it in the morning with no problem. Good luck!

03-29-2008, 04:31 PM
a driving cycle is what it sounds like, you start the car and drive it.
Though some times it can take more the 1 drive cycle, sometimes it could take 100 drive cycles.

04-04-2008, 12:30 PM
All right, so we had our check engine light cleared on that car so that we could pass E-Check and they said they couldn't read the computer because it had registered the new parts we put in. They said it needed to go through a drive cycle to reset everything. Does anyone know the drive cycle on this car?? :banghead:
Having this exact scenario (my '96 Achieva's been out of commission for a while, battery disconnected, and in need of an inspection), I went and looked this up. Here's a link to the OBD II Drive Cycle (http://www.lyberty.com/car/drive-cycle.html) info for GM cars. Might be helpful for others in the future. It was enough for me - it just passed the emissions / safety inspection with nothing more than a pair of tires.

Russ (a.k.a. Hanlon's Razor)

04-04-2008, 04:10 PM
Also not all codes will just "go away", a lot of them you need a scan tool to clear the DTC.

First I have ever seen that drive cylce info , good luck with it. lol

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