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Need advice re: replacing seized 2.2l engine - esp. price

01-30-2008, 08:29 AM
Thanks in advance for everyone's insight and experience re: this. Short story even shorter: I screwed up and seized the engine in my 2005 Chevy Cavalier 5-speed (2.2l) last night due to lack of oil (I know, I know - no one's kicking me harder than me, beLIEVE me). Car's only got 63K on it, and put a few hundred into it a few months ago to pass inspection here in PA, etc., so I guess I'm looking for a replacement engine now.

Thing is, I have zero idea how much an engine itself and the labor/misc. parts to install costs. Luckily, I work as a driver for an auto parts warehouse and I can get parts cheap, but I still don't want to get rooked price-wise.

Anyone have any thoughts (other than regular oil changes) about any of this, esp. ideas about price ranges? Thanks in advance -- I'm without a car until this gets solved!

01-30-2008, 11:40 AM
if you are taking the car somewhere to get the engine installed it will be between $500-$1000 for labor. look on ebay for engines, might get lucky

01-30-2008, 07:10 PM
An ecotec engine will run you 300-600 alone. I bought a roll over for 1,000 with 40k miles on the motor and trans. I know what i am doing so motor swaps on these cars isn't hard for me. But if i were you...


Click the North east regional forum. There are A lot of guys from PA on that website and i know would be willing to lend a hand for a case of beer or something small like that. Hell if i were a little bit closer i would do it for case of beer and dinner. all you need is a cherry picker, disconnect the fuel lines. Support the motor, un bolts upper motor mount and trans mounts and drop the whole subframe onto the ground. Use the picker and hoist the car up in the air high enough to slide the motor out the bottom and then unbolt from power steering and trans mission. Then bolt the new motor back in.

Or if you think you can handle it, you can do it with the trans still in the car and just pull the motor but its more of a bitch that way.

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