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Brake Light-Alero

01-16-2008, 06:40 AM
For some reason my red brake light comes on in my 2001 Oldsmobile Alero GL, its the same light that comes on if you forget to release your emergency brake, however, I haven't used my emergency brake in a LONG time. Does anybody know what this could be related to? I also have to get my wheel bearing and hub replaced because the ABS, trac, and Service Vehicle Soon lights keep coming on. This is the second time I have had to replace the wheel bearing on my drivers side. Could the red brake light be assosiated with the wheel bearing? :banghead:

01-16-2008, 07:37 AM
low fluid in the resavuar for the master cylinder possibly.
some have a float and when the fluid gets low that light comes on.
Do you have a low peddel? (low meaning close to the floorboard).

01-18-2008, 01:37 PM
Yes I do have a low peddel...is it easy to fill the fluid in the resavuar?

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