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Alclad 2, where to get?

01-15-2003, 01:22 AM
Wheres a good place to get Alclad 2? I could just get it from Rainbowten on my next order.. it's a lil more expensive than stateside i think.

01-15-2003, 07:39 AM
It depends where you are, since we don't know because you didn't fill your location in on your profile.......

You can get Alclad from www.squadron.com

01-15-2003, 07:42 AM
Let's narrow the search: where to get it from an European source? ;) (for me, that is!)

01-15-2003, 02:01 PM
UK, Hannants are pretty good, and do mail order throughout Europe. Check them out on http://www.hannants.co.uk

01-15-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by BWheel
UK, Hannants are pretty good, and do mail order throughout Europe. Check them out on http://www.hannants.co.uk

Seen them ;) Not impressed - I have no intention of buying any kits from them, and they won't take an order otherwise.

01-15-2003, 03:32 PM
That's strange, I always thought Squadron was located in Britain. :o

01-15-2003, 03:37 PM
Alclad are based in Britain, Squadron.com are located in TX ;)


01-15-2003, 09:47 PM
Sorry, i am in Canada...

USA is good for me too as i go down their fairly often and bring back stuff.

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