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Hobbyshop in London????

01-06-2003, 05:47 AM
Hi to all,

I'll be in London (UK) this week on Thursday and Friday for the sales and I'm looking for a good hobbyshop.
I'll sleep around Nothing Hill.
Then if somebody knows a good address for me it would be cool.

Thanks for all.


PS to the moderators: If this thread could create a problem of advertisment , it can be locked and the answers will be send by PM or mail.

01-06-2003, 11:54 AM
Nobody lives around London?

This message was just to make the thread comes up in the list, I need this info before wednesday cos I'll be on holliday and have no internet connection at home .

Thanks in advance.


01-06-2003, 12:12 PM
Now lessee....nobody answered you, so nobody knows.....
I think it is quite normal for people to only post an answer if they know the answer.....
BTW, Nothing Hill? Anything there?:D
You could always grab a Yellow Pages, that is what I do when I am in London.....

01-06-2003, 12:30 PM
Only store I know in London is Hannants. Got Colingdale tube station (on the northern line), it's right out side the station. Mostly armour and planes, but some cars. Good for tools and stuff though. Theres also a really good RAF (warplane) museum just up the road, if you like that kinda thing...

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