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waterpump/hose leak??

01-02-2003, 07:18 PM
i noticed it this morning when i was walking to my car. i was only a tiny puddle, but any leak isnt good. when i started my car(cold), it started a constant drip for a couple minutes, but after the motor warmed up, it almost totally stopped.

im not sure what its coming from, i can see the approximate area its coming from, which is below the crank/timing belt. and the liquid that was leaking was fresh bright green coolant. could it be the water pump or hose?? ive never had to deal with this problem before so im clueless.

01-03-2003, 03:33 PM
i went under the car and took a couple pics. i now know its not the hose, as you can see its dry in the pic. but is the leak caused by a bad pump or has the seal just gone bad?

01-04-2003, 12:16 AM
if your car is not overheating, i would think that the pump is still fine, which would lead me to think that the gasket is blown. its a bitch to get in there, so i say just wait until the timing belt is replaced to fix it and keep an eye on the coolant level.

01-04-2003, 10:22 AM
i replaced the o-ring around the waterpipe going into the water pump. you gotta pull the thermostat housing off cause that's what holds it in there. check that first before you spend your money on a water pump takes about an hour to do take your time and drain the system the fill it back up properly using the bleed port on the thermo housing.

01-04-2003, 10:28 AM
i replaced the o-ring around the waterpipe going into the water pump. you gotta pull the thermostat housing off cause that's what holds it in there. check that first before you spend your money on a water pump takes about an hour to do take your time and drain the system the fill it back up properly using the bleed port on the thermo housing.

01-04-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by brea1
i replaced the o-ring around the waterpipe going into the water pump. you gotta pull the thermostat housing off cause that's what holds it in there. check that first before you spend your money on a water pump takes about an hour to do take your time and drain the system the fill it back up properly using the bleed port on the thermo housing.
i wish it was that easy, but i dont think the leak is coming from the hose. its starting at the seal between the pump and the mount. i think im gonna end up needing a new gasket, which is gonna be a bitch in labor costs. ill probably end up getting a new belt and pump while im at it. i dont wanna have to pay for labor all over again in a year or so whenever i seriously need either.

01-05-2003, 05:42 PM
Ok from the pic its either gotta be that ring on the water pipe or the water pump itself, which can leak with out overheating. If its the o ring its kinda of a bitch to do, but if its the water pump id replace the water pump and timing belt at the same time... My guess is water pump though...


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