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ignition problems,wont start

12-19-2007, 09:47 AM
1998 fordwindstar 3.8L. engine turns over but won't start. feul pump sounds like it's working. engine stopped one day, but after having it towed to my home,it started up five minutes later. engine has not started since. seemed to be getting a small arc from spark plugs. engine is still cranking, but will not start up. please coud you help me, my wife is going to kill me about this? :eek:

12-19-2007, 09:50 AM
ignition problem. engine cranks over, but will not start. fuel pump sounds like its working and getting a small arc from spark plugs. please can you help?

northern piper
12-19-2007, 10:47 AM
have you got any check engine codes? Have you checked your fuel filter? If it was running fine before (you didn't say) I'd be looking at the simple things first.


12-19-2007, 11:17 PM
I would suspect the fuel pump or something in that system if there are no codes (check engine light) because the fuel system is not monitored by the PCM. I know you said you think that it's working fine but are you sure? the only way to be sure is to attach a pressure Gauge. The engine turning is done by the starter so I would look toward the fuel system. As far as the wife, theres no fix for that, sorry

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