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Does anyone paint window trim with a brush?

12-08-2002, 02:22 PM
This does not seem to be working for me, i masked off the body around the trim and painted it with tamiya semigloss black, then next day i took the masks off and some paint bled through and some sections didnt get painted that well, what did u do wrong, btw this happened on my previous models aswell.

12-08-2002, 03:11 PM
If the window trim groove is deep enough, I don't even use masking, just a small brush and some flat black paint. You'll want to make sure you have the right kind of masking tape and that you depress it all the way down so it creates a barrier. I also try not to use thinned paint when doing window trim because it runs everywhere due to capillary action.

12-08-2002, 03:29 PM
Dont hand brush with tamiya acrylic especially when you have too much thinner in it. It will seep through the masking tape as mentioned above.

I use enamel flat black to handbrush window trim.

primera man
12-08-2002, 03:32 PM

Did you read this??...it might help.

Dont leave the tape on so long either.....i take it off within 10 minutes of painting

12-08-2002, 03:33 PM
you can always try brushing clear over the edges of the tape first, so it seals it.. and then proceed with the black..

12-08-2002, 04:39 PM
I usually do. I'm pretty good at it too. It looks like i used masking tape. Use a small brush and steady your hand and there should be no problems. I also use a brush to paint the black around the outsides of the windows.

12-08-2002, 05:03 PM
Yeah, put a coat of clear over the masking tape before you apply the black. That will prevent leakage. Only concern is that all of the clear will lift off when you take off the masking tape, so be sure to experiment first.

primera man
12-08-2002, 08:46 PM
Are you using Tamiya tape??

Purpura Delujo
12-08-2002, 11:53 PM
I used to with no masking tape but the straight chrome window trims came out a little bit wobly. Just push the masking tape down properly and it doesn't leak.

12-09-2002, 12:16 AM
PMan, you pull off your masks with in 10mins? is that all masks or just your window ones, because i find that when i airbrush stuff i've masked and i pull off the mask too early, it occasionally pulls some wet(mostly dry) paint with it, or causes the end to get kinda rough/choppy .... but thenagain, it could be the fact that you use tamiya mask and i use something else...


primera man
12-09-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by nikanora
PMan, you pull off your masks with in 10mins? is that all masks or just your window ones, because i find that when i airbrush stuff i've masked and i pull off the mask too early, it occasionally pulls some wet(mostly dry) paint with it, or causes the end to get kinda rough/choppy .... but thenagain, it could be the fact that you use tamiya mask and i use something else...


Yep...if its left on to long the paint dries to hard and will leave jaggered edges where it rips the paint away.
I find that 10 mins is about right as its dry enough to pull away and still soft enough not to tear the paint.
I do it for all windows and trim

12-09-2002, 08:23 AM
I used to paint the black trim w/a brush with decent but not outstanding results (shaky hands), but I found in the same amount of time I get a cleaner job by masking w/Tamiya tape and carefully airbrushing the area with Tamiya or Testors Acryl semi-gloss black. You can also use panel line detailing to better define the area between the trim and the body. You have to make sure the tape is completely adhered, and it's a good idea to spray a bit of clear first. I can touch-up areas okay w/a brush, but I prefer spraying that detail now w/my airbrush.

12-09-2002, 08:40 AM
I always mask and use the airbrush. I usually airbrush pretty dry and thin coats,meaning the paint drys within seconds of spraying it so I never have bleed problems. I usually take off the mask immediately after spraying because the paint is already dry. The cheaper single action airbrushes spray too wet and heavy and will not work as well for this. You should use Tamiya masking tape, it's the best.

12-09-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by 935k3
I always mask and use the airbrush. I usually airbrush pretty dry and thin coats,meaning the paint drys within seconds of spraying it so I never have bleed problems. I usually take off the mask immediately after spraying because the paint is already dry. The cheaper single action airbrushes spray too wet and heavy and will not work as well for this. You should use Tamiya masking tape, it's the best.


12-10-2002, 09:50 AM
i pull em off about 10mins after painting them as well, but only did so because of excitment, then realized that it was in fact the way to do things, same explanation as the P-man:

Yep...if its left on to long the paint dries to hard and will leave jaggered edges where it rips the paint away.
I find that 10 mins is about right as its dry enough to pull away and still soft enough not to tear the paint.
I do it for all windows and trim

in addition, depending on what paint you're using, there is that moment where the paint is "semi-dry/soft" i suppose, and can be taken off in unwanted/overpainted areas using a #11 blade, so that the paint comes off but doesn't run ( too wet) or chip (too dry)

have fun! :)

12-10-2002, 10:32 PM
Thanks everyone, unfortuantly the window trim on my Skyline was painted before i read your tips, but now i will be able to do it right on my 98 Impreza WRC which i plan to do over my winter vacation.

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