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Fring order

12-12-2007, 10:29 PM
Hello guys well I think I blow up I decide to change the wires on my 97 Accord and I miss place any one can give the firng order 97 honda Accord pli tanks much

12-12-2007, 11:49 PM
The cylinders start from the timing belt. So with a 4 cylinder Accord, it will look like this when you look straight on from the front of the engine:
*transmission* 4 3 2 1 *timing belt*

On the distributor (of a 4 cylinder); the top Right goes to the #4 cylinder (closest to the distributor), the top Left goes to the #3 cylinder, the bottom Righ goes to the #2 cylinder, and the bottom Left goes to the #1 cylinder. If you do a search on here, in the '88-'91 Civic (4th gen) sub forum, there should be a couple threads with a picture dictating this.

12-13-2007, 12:06 AM

03-22-2008, 05:54 PM
Does anybody know the firing order for a 1997 honda civiclx 5speed 1.6liter sohc..I disconected the plugs to the distributor cap and i can't get the right order..

Thank You

03-24-2008, 09:03 AM
1. Please dont bring up old threads.

2. Should be the same.. 1-3-4-2

03-29-2008, 03:34 PM
HELP!!!!!! New to this site!! I need picture of firing order for: 1984 Chevrolet Truck C10 1/2 ton P/U 2WD 5.0L 4BL ...THANKS!

03-29-2008, 03:53 PM
HELP!!!!!! New to this site!! I need picture of firing order for: 1984 Chevrolet Truck C10 1/2 ton P/U 2WD 5.0L 4BL ...THANKS!
mooshead, you post your question at Honda forum. I doubt honda guys will have an answer for you.

Post your question at the S-10 forum:


Good luck,


03-29-2008, 05:06 PM
2 seconds on google.. http://www.boxwrench.net/specs/chevy_sb.htm

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