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Interior L.E.D's

12-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Iv'e been wanting to install some interior L.E.D's in my car but for the love of god can't figure out how to do it. I know ya gotta mount where you want them and run the wire through your car use a switch,connect the positive and negative to the battery (someone told me not to do). I would like to put some under the steering wheel & passenger side also in the trunk so I can just flick it on all at once. How do I connect all these togeather and be able to connect it all to my battery w'o wires getting caught up on everything. Also how do I connect to a switch.

12-10-2007, 09:11 PM
read the directions on the box, lmao

12-10-2007, 09:15 PM
I've got some red LEDs up under my dash, though I didn't want a separate switch, I wanted to them come on with my parking lights/head lights, so what I did was pull out the center consule which was pretty straight-forward, and tap the LED wires into the light in the shift stick. That's a relatively easy method for interior LEDs if you like the idea of them coming on with the regular parking lights.

12-12-2007, 01:38 AM
read the directions on the box, lmao

HAHA!! That was really helpful, I thought this forum was suppose to really help people and not make jokes at them. I don't want to get some cheap leds that hook up into my cigarette lighter.

12-12-2007, 07:23 AM
answer #1, if you wanna do it without a shit ton of wires going everywhere every which way you'll need to wire them in a series circuit, the bad thing about that is if one goes out, they will all go out, you're alternative, which i recommend would be a parallel circuit,

in a series circuit, you would take the positive end of the battery, connect it the positive end of the light, and the negative end of the light you would connect to the positive end of the next light, and so on, then when you get to the last light you will connect the negative end of it to the negative end of the battery
in a parallel circuit, the easiest way to explain would be to take one really long piece of wire, and splice into once maybe every foot or 2, then you would hook a light up to each splice, another way i can explain it would be to hook up one of your lights to the battery, we will call that light #1, your second light, light #2, would get hooked up to light #1, not the battery. light #3 would get hooked up to light #2, and so on

answer #2, in the series circuit the switch can be placed anywhere, in the parallel circuit it will need to be placed before the first light

12-12-2007, 01:34 PM
HAHA!! That was really helpful, I thought this forum was suppose to really help people and not make jokes at them. I don't want to get some cheap leds that hook up into my cigarette lighter.

Step # 1
It wasn't suppose to be a joke. You purchase a switch from an auto parts store. It shows which is (-) ground, (+) in/ (+) out. ( if on a lighted 3 way switch)

Step # 2
Purchase your LEDS. They will have a Pos. and Neg wire. The positive will have another color stripe on them or label to what they are. Lots of times they are clear wires with a white stripe. You can use ones that are suppose to hook up into your cig lighter and just cut that off and splice the wires like you are going to have to do anyways...

Step # 3
Mount your LEDS where your want them installed along with where you want your switch.

Step # 4
Safest way is to run a hard (+) 12-14ga wire to your battery so you don't blow a circuit or short it out ( been there done that) and run the same amperage in-line fuse as your switch is. I use 30amps.


Just because pictures are always fun...

12-18-2007, 10:01 AM
Thanks alot. The drawing was helpful.. Not the best ..lol I'm jk. Thanks guys for helping me out.

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