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4g63 vs. 6g71,2 and 3

11-16-2007, 12:53 PM
ok, so my friend i and disagree and i just want to know what you guys think. I think the 6g72 is a crappy motor which can blow easily but yet he thinks its one of the best motors ever built.. any opinions??

11-18-2007, 11:08 PM
Honestly, I'm too lazy to search the engines in order to search the engines. {I like how I did that double- meaning, LOL} What are they put in, and any spec.s?

11-19-2007, 12:40 AM
well the 6g72 is put in the 3000 GT/GTO/SL/sr4 i think.. all my other friends who have had them said they blew really easily and they arent good motors, while my other friend will defend them till he dies.. i want to know what people think... am i just dumb and my friend is right or what?

11-24-2007, 03:34 AM
Then I would think,

1] majority opinion rules, if 5 say bad and only one says good, the preponderance is with the majority.

2] If it is probable that the one maintained and didn't abuse, where the others didn't maintain and did abuse, I'd still lean to 1]. Engines should be able to handle some "work", per se.

Meaning, using them hard at times. But I am a stickler, or try my best, to keep an eye on the engine of my rides. So, I feel confident of using my engine hard at times.

Is there by any chance, any recall issues, or problems occurring at certain mileage than you know of?

11-26-2007, 08:48 AM
another friend brought up a good point... how many 4g63's do you see under 10 seconds... quite a few.. then how many 6g72's do you see under 10?? none that we could think of;)

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