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Cost question

10-15-2007, 12:51 PM
Mecanic said that there are two vacuum hoses behind the intake manifold that went bad. He said they will have to take the intake manifold off and replace the two hoses. They will also have to replace whatever gaskets and parts are necessary to put everything back together. I thought he also mentioned something about a PVC piece needing to be replaced...I know that doesn't sound very descriptive, but that's what I know...what do you think they would charge me? They are saying $704. Does this sound right?

2003 Mazda 6 with 89,000 miles on it.

Thanks in advance...

11-17-2007, 02:38 PM
Mecanic said that there are two vacuum hoses behind the intake manifold that went bad. He said they will have to take the intake manifold off and replace the two hoses. They will also have to replace whatever gaskets and parts are necessary to put everything back together. I thought he also mentioned something about a PVC piece needing to be replaced...I know that doesn't sound very descriptive, but that's what I know...what do you think they would charge me? They are saying $704. Does this sound right?

2003Mazda Orange County (http://www.nesea.org/greencarclub/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=887)6 with 89,000 miles on it.

Thanks in advance...

Nih ne vrubaiusi no tashi link!

12-07-2007, 03:26 AM
you shouldn't have to remove the intake manifold just to replace a hose, but I don't know what line in particular he's talking about.

I would get a second opinion.

12-09-2007, 04:29 AM
Lol those hoses are good for 10 years + as long as they dont get contaminents spilled all over them that would cause conflict with the rubbers molecular stability. Dry rot takes years and years to set it , melting is out of the question. Also considering the intake is only held on with a few nuts and bolts and 1 gasket between the runner and head , wouldnt take more than an hours worth of labor , 50 bucks of parts , and a little cleaning. I would say no more than 200 to have a shop do it. Sounds like that shop has a bad problem with ripping people off.

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