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Change of weather.... noise

09-09-2007, 12:11 AM
Hi there guys.... i spent the Saturday with my girlfriend and car was going great... When I took her home, I just stopped the car for like 10 minutes and then when i got back in to drive away.. I started getting this back wheel Knock from passneger side.. It went away tho... but also it went away when I applied the brakes... I played with my hand brake couple times too. Seems like its gone.. what might have caused this..?? And what can it be..?? I replaced the back rotors like 2 months ago with new ones... Car brakes very well tho... I also noticed that the front passenger brakes sqeaks a little when im driving... This can be dirt or film on the rotor which i wll clean up tomorrow. With what can I clean them... Can I use WD40 to clean them.. or do I need brake cleaner for this..?? Haaa cars always giving us some problems.. damn..

Thanks tho :rolleyes:

09-09-2007, 11:16 AM
Don't put WD040 on your brake rotors. Check your pad wear both front and back - inner and outer. If you're not sure, take it somewhere that will check it for free or cheap. If the noise went away it's probably nothing to worry about. And for the record, squeaky brakes don't mean they need to be replaced - some of the best performing brake pads I've ever used were squeaky from day one.

09-09-2007, 11:53 AM
So I cleaned up both rear and front... everything seems tp br ok for the moment... but ooops I did use WD40 to clean the front rotors... seems to be going ok... is there anything to use to clean the rotors... aside from brake cleaner... like is simple green any good ??

09-09-2007, 03:53 PM
And for the record, squeaky brakes don't mean they need to be replaced -

that is true

when i first got my car i had it for only a few months and front brakes started squeaking, constantly, not just when i used them, i went to change the front pads but when i got to them i saw that they were practically brand new, rotors look magnificent too, so since i had gotten that far, i just replaced them anyways (cuz i'd already bought them) and i havent heard a squeak since

09-09-2007, 04:52 PM
So I cleaned up both rear and front... everything seems tp br ok for the moment... but ooops I did use WD40 to clean the front rotors... seems to be going ok... is there anything to use to clean the rotors... aside from brake cleaner... like is simple green any good ??

You really shouldn't have to clean the rotors ever - unless you have WD-40, oil, grease, etc on them. In that case use brake clean.

09-09-2007, 06:38 PM
I cleaned the rotors with steel whool (sp).... im sure i must have sprayed some stuff on there last week when I sprayed... bushings etc... with some lube... i used PB blaster to clean them and then some white litium grease in sray can... seems like its going ok for the moment. Of course i did remove the front rotors to clean them... I also cleaned the back brake shoes. I dont see the harm in cleaning the brakes... cnat make it worse can it ???

bye guys :cwm27:

09-09-2007, 07:28 PM
I guess I don't understand - are you using spray lubricant to clean your brake rotors? That would be stupid.

09-09-2007, 08:14 PM
I guess I don't understand - are you using spray lubricant to clean your brake rotors? That would be stupid.

Well no... just that some spray probably went on the rotors when i applied it last week... you know with the wind and stuff... but eveything is fine now... For now..

Thanks Shakwell

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