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identify rear drum brakes...

09-06-2007, 02:49 PM
I'm new to forum and in need of tech help for a friend. We are working on a street rod that has been placed over an Isuzu frame and running gear. At this time we are working on the rear drum brakes. I have all of the hardware and shoes removed.
Could someone assist to identify what the year, make and model might possibly be when ordering parts at the local supply. The drums are six bolt. The emergency brake activator is the spring loaded cable and stop passing through the bottom of the backing plate. Self adjuster located above the center line on the upper portion of the shoes. Drum max diameter 10.059. Shoe width 2.0 inches.
A vin number that may be from the original vehicle's records indicate from the tenth position, letter "R", as a 1994 but what model? Are there any stampings or casting numbers that we should locate? Is there a limited amount of models and years to narrow the search? Is there a vin number location on the frame to confirm what the model may be?
Thanks in advance! Mike...

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