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primera man
11-18-2002, 05:58 AM
Been thinking about this for awhile now.....Had a quick talk with Jay and Chris about this idea today.

PLEASE Take your time to read the rules carefully !!

"AF's 2002 Model Of The Year"

The rules will be as follow....

*Only open to AF members who have joined AF before the 1st December 2002
*Must be a model built this year (2002) by a AF member before the 31st December 2002.
*Entry will open on the 1st December and close on 31 December 2002...No models will be accepted before this date
*One photo only will be posted...so make it a good one.
*Links to the thread on AF can be used as well as photo
*Only one model per person
*Open to cars and bikes only.
*My decision will be FINAL

How to enter.

*One photo to be sent by Private Message to .....Me, "Primera Man"
*Photo's only...no text

How to vote.

*Once all the car's have been intered I will make a thread at the start of the year.
*Each model will have a number to vote beside it, and the person who built the kit.
*To vote, simply send a PM to me with your vote....NO OTHER VOTES WILL BE ALLOWED
*You can vote for ONE MODEL ONLY
*Only AF members can vote that are members before the 31st December 2002. This will also stop people logging on with different names to vote again. If a vote is suspect, I can check it out and it will be deleted along with the entry of the model.
*You can not vote for your own model
*The thread will be locked so you can view them only.
*My idea of this is so that it will ONLY have the pics of the models.
*It stop's people from voting twice from other computer's etc
*Stop's any AF Mod from deleting or changing the votes......You guys will have to trust me on this !!!
*This way if the poll is changed in any way I will know as I will have all the votes.
*The judges vote will be final.
*In the event of a tie...the choice will go to Primera Man and Jay
*The updates of voting will be posted every 1-2 days
*Voting will finish on the 31st January 2003 and the winner can then show off as much as they like !!!

I will enter the contest, but in the event of myself coming first, the runner up will receive the prize

I will give a prize out to the winner.
I'll buy a kit of some kind (A new Tamiya/Revell/Fujimi) and will send it to the winner.
Chris (flyonthewall) has also very kindly decided to give one of his universal wing sets away with the kit.
Also if the model I give away is one that Chris has a kit for, then he will throw that in as well.
So a big thanks goes to Chris for his help.
Also thanks to huudo who will put the winner as front page for a full month as top story on his site Automotomover (http://users.skynet.be/automotomover) in a special feature article.

So stay tuned for the kit i get !!

Remember....this is just abit of FUN.....Dont flame me or others if things dont go your way. I'm doing this for something different AND SOMETHING THAT I HOPE YOU WILL ALL ENJOY.
As I said before...you guys will have to trust me on this one with the voting. The only person that will see the voting will be Myself or Jay if I decide I need a hand with a decision. All i ask is for you all to be honest and help out our own little "AF Model Club":cool:
I'm doing this off my own back along with Jay and Chris to try and make this a really great place to be for all of us.
Hopefully this will be a success and it will be the start of a yearly contest.

PMan :) :)

11-18-2002, 06:08 AM
I think it's a great idea, now i really wish i had a digital cam.:D

11-18-2002, 06:12 AM
EDIT: can I reserve a spot? cause I am getting a digi cam for christmas...:D

EDIT2: there was more to this message, but for some reason, half of it was deleted, so....:o

11-18-2002, 06:14 AM
i have a digital camera but it sucks cause it cost $43 at walmart

11-18-2002, 07:13 AM
Those without cams must surely be able to beg, steal or borrow one for the small amount of time it takes to shoot a few pics of your model.

This is going to be an interesting contest!:)

11-18-2002, 07:20 AM
Good luck to all ! May the best man win ! :)

11-18-2002, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by daggerlee
Good luck to all ! May the best man win ! :)

No need to organise a contest then. P-Man just send the kit and stuff to me, cause I'm the best!! :rolleyes: :bloated: LOL

No seriously, this is going to very interesting cause the level of quality is certainly here! Count me in with an 'unseen before' model - Mercedes of course. :D

Good luck to every single one of us who's going to take part.

11-18-2002, 08:50 AM
I can't wait to see what wins, this will be very, very interesting!:sun:

11-18-2002, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by primera man
The first 30 models I receive will be entered. (Will go on the time it is sent to me

I will enter the contest, but in the event of myself coming first, the runner up will receive the prize

errrrr wouldnt that = 29 entries will be allowed? :flipa:

11-18-2002, 09:52 PM
this is an awesome idea, and i can't wait to see all of the models that are entered. i plan to enter one myself, but seeing some of the work that has been produced by some of the people on this board, i don't expect to get very far with it. i guess this'll motivate me to get my ass in gear and finish at least one model! :D

1 question: once the voting is done, will each person who entered be able to see how many votes their model received?

primera man
11-18-2002, 11:06 PM
Dave ESPI.....Thanks for pointing that out, but you are right. I guess there's always something forgotten...lol

S13_Iketani....The votes will be there for everyone to see.

Just another thing guys.....some of you are sending me models already via Private Messages. Remember that no entry will be allowed before the 1st December 2002. So if you have sent me your post already...it will be deleted...Sorry :)

11-19-2002, 01:13 AM
Whoa! Pman actually organized something!:finger:
This is a first! j/k
I might enter my Supra......... maybe Corolla........... or Mustang........ we'll see.

I wanna see what awesome things are going to be created!

One question, what if I send you a pic of say my Supra, then I finish my Mustang and want to enter that instead, would you "cancel" my supra and put in my mustang? Stating that I send you the pic before the deadline.

11-19-2002, 01:18 AM
This is a great idea!! Do you think its worth entering my vette?

primera man
11-19-2002, 05:04 AM
Honoturtle...The first model you send will be the one that gets entered :)...just keeping it fair and keeping the same rules for every one.

Slippery...As long as your one of the first 29 models i receive ;)

Remember that people will send me the pic...i'll be the only one who knows what the models are untill the thread is posted for voting....so you will have just as good a chance as any one else. :) :)

primera man
11-19-2002, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by turmio
So...why only 30 models can enter? Or did you said it? Did I just miss it?
:confused: :confused:

Just a figure i thought would be enough. With 30 photos in one thread it may take for ever to open up the pics for those with slow computers.

I really have no idea as to how many will enter....i guess if i'm flooded with entrys i could talk it over with Jay...but at this stage it will stay at 30 models.

11-19-2002, 04:01 PM
if you put 50 entries peoples who have to borrow camera and thing like this may have better chance to enter

11-19-2002, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by primera man
Honoturtle...The first model you send will be the one that gets entered :)...just keeping it fair and keeping the same rules for every one.

Sounds Fair! Better get my mustang into gear..............

11-20-2002, 06:18 AM
I also think 30 is a small number.
I think everyone who is interested in participating in the contest should have is chance.
My propose is no limit number of models in contest (1 per person) and if the number of models exceeds the 25,30 then post them in separated threads.

primera man
11-20-2002, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by Gainsbourg
I also think 30 is a small number.
I think everyone who is interested in participating in the contest should have is chance.
My propose is no limit number of models in contest (1 per person) and if the number of models exceeds the 25,30 then post them in separated threads.
OK :) ....With the amount of PM's I'm getting, the main thing seems to be the number (30), which you all seem to think is on the "'small" side.
I'll give it another day to get some more veiws.

Thanks for all your replys. If anybody can think of anythink else...please tell me.

11-20-2002, 11:07 AM
:flash: :flash: :flash:
Excellent idea.
Good luck to all

11-20-2002, 11:11 AM
P-man, this is a great idea!!
What if someone from Europe will enter, as you will know there is a time difference between Europe and the US. Fo example, if there are 30 members from Europe entering on December 1st, there is no room for US members because on that time it is still November 30th in the US.

I hope you could find something for that.

Good luck with it!!


11-20-2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by JP'sCelica
...For example, if there are 30 members from Europe entering on December 1st, there is no room for US members because on that time it is still November 30th in the US.

That's not the worst thing, with the time difference, all the Aussies and Japonese would enter, leaving no room for us from Europe ahhhggggg!!!! :cry: j/k

P-Man, i just love the idea and....... keep no limits for entries, to give all members a chance

Cheers, and may the best model win (i hope its mine :D :D :D )

11-20-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by primera man

OK :) ....With the amount of PM's I'm getting, the main thing seems to be the number (30), which you all seem to think is on the "'small" side.
I'll give it another day to get some more veiws.

Thanks for all your replys. If anybody can think of anythink else...please tell me.

30 Models?? NO WAY.
Just 2 models!!
P-Man's Primera against my Merc!!


No seriously, You'll have to wait and see how many people actually will enter the contest. My suggestion is this one. If, and that's an IF there are to much submissions, make some categories out of it. Don't advertise them in advance. You're old and wise enough to split the categories. Then post the models in the different categories, and we choose the category winners. Then in the second round (! yes) you post 1 thread with the category winners and during 1 week, we vote for the overall winner who takes all the spoils.

Just an idea of the humble Guido :D

Midnight Racer
11-20-2002, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by huudo

30 Models?? NO WAY.
Just 2 models!!
P-Man's Primera against my Merc!!


No seriously, You'll have to wait and see how many people actually will enter the contest. My suggestion is this one. If, and that's an IF there are to much submissions, make some categories out of it. Don't advertise them in advance. You're old and wise enough to split the categories. Then post the models in the different categories, and we choose the category winners. Then in the second round (! yes) you post 1 thread with the category winners and during 1 week, we vote for the overall winner who takes all the spoils.

Just an idea of the humble Guido :D

Sounds like a great idea.

11-20-2002, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by huudo

No seriously, You'll have to wait and see how many people actually will enter the contest. My suggestion is this one. If, and that's an IF there are to much submissions, make some categories out of it. Don't advertise them in advance. You're old and wise enough to split the categories. Then post the models in the different categories, and we choose the category winners. Then in the second round (! yes) you post 1 thread with the category winners and during 1 week, we vote for the overall winner who takes all the spoils.

Just an idea of the humble Guido :D

I think some people might think it's unfair after it being split into categories, as some might want their model in other categories instead of the one chosen for them.

If the entires do get over, say 30, why not put them on seperate thread, like "Model contest entires 1, Model contese entries 2...etc" then it would solve the too many pictures to load problem for 56K modem users.

Thanks P-man, Jay and Chris for organizing the contest and giving out prizes! http://www3.telus.net/public/a4a91660/thumb.gif

Btw, I'm not entering this time, cause I have nothing worthy of it yet, but watch out at next year's contest (if we make this annual). :)

11-20-2002, 11:29 PM
Just another vote for "30 is not enough". :) :) :) Sometimes I am amazed at the amount of talent here, and I think you will be getting, or should be getting (enter something all of you!) alot of decent models competing.

11-21-2002, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by Hawk312
Just another vote for "30 is not enough". :) :) :) Sometimes I am amazed at the amount of talent here, and I think you will be getting, or should be getting (enter something all of you!) alot of decent models competing.

I agree.

The catagories idea sounds good! :alien:

primera man
11-21-2002, 04:28 AM
OK OK OK....I will open it up to more then 30 models :cool: :cool:
But as turbos86 has said...if there is a whole heap of entries i will have to make a couple of threads

I'm not going to do catagories though. The contest is run as a People's Choice only.


11-21-2002, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by primera man

I'm not going to do catagories though. The contest is run as a People's Choice only.


I understand, yes. It would take us to far from the initial idea. It's AF's own model contest and in being a People's Choice contest is differs from the rest of all the contest in the 'none cyber' world, which makes it unique in its own way.

OK, I'm convinced :D


primera man
11-21-2002, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by huudo

OK, I'm convinced :D


One down...999 to go :bloated: :bloated:

:D :D :D

11-21-2002, 11:01 AM
This seems like a great little fun contest for everyone on the forum.

Would it be worth if you have lots of entries - runing the entries in each thread in like a knockout stage - ie each thread has say 10 models - the winner from each thread goes through to the next round and is voted again until there is an overall winner.

Just an idea to make it less complex


11-21-2002, 01:18 PM
I agree with Jimbob and his "rounds" idea. This would also prevent anyone from getting as many freinds as they can to vote for them just to win. It would be hard for them to do that if eventually they would have to have over half the total votes for them.

primera man
11-21-2002, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Hawk312
I agree with Jimbob and his "rounds" idea. This would also prevent anyone from getting as many freinds as they can to vote for them just to win. It would be hard for them to do that if eventually they would have to have over half the total votes for them.

*To vote, simply send a PM to me with your vote....NO OTHER VOTES WILL BE ALLOWED
*You can vote for ONE MODEL ONLY
*Only AF members can vote that are members before the 31st December 2002. This will also stop people logging on with different names to vote again. If a vote is suspect, I can check it out and it will be deleted along with the entry of the model.

Hope this clears your question up

11-21-2002, 05:45 PM
First off, I don't see how the "AF members before December 31st" will stop people from making bogus AF accounts to up their score. Maybe you need to say something like "People with at least 20 posts" or something to make sure they are active accounts and not bogus.

Secondly, is FOTW entering? In the event you and him take first and second place, third place gets all the prizes right? :D

primera man
11-21-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by daggerlee
First off, I don't see how the "AF members before December 31st" will stop people from making bogus AF accounts to up their score. Maybe you need to say something like "People with at least 20 posts" or something to make sure they are active accounts and not bogus.

Secondly, is FOTW entering? In the event you and him take first and second place, third place gets all the prizes right? :D

Hopefully people will be honest in there voting...thats all i'm asking people to do....but it may be hard to police.
If there are alot of votes going to one model etc from "Newbie's", ......myself and Jay can check this out through there profile.

As for Chris....yes he can enter. I guess it would be up to Chris if he wishes to give up the prize to the next person....Chris???

11-21-2002, 07:42 PM
Well my hypothetical scenario would be FOTW getting second...you know, it wouldn't make any sense if Fly won a GT Wing set ;)

11-21-2002, 10:39 PM
Hey Pman Wassup????

How many cars are in???

and one more dumb question....If I'm in the competition may i vote myself???:D

11-21-2002, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by primera man
How to vote.
*You can not vote for your own model

11-22-2002, 02:29 AM
Sounds fair with the unlimited, I guess I might have to stall my corolla, I don't think it's worthy enough for everyones taste, but we'll see.

11-22-2002, 08:30 PM
Crap. It looks like I missed the contest. There is no way that I can get a model finished in a month. Oh well. I'll be in the next one.:D

primera man
11-23-2002, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by JE123
Crap. It looks like I missed the contest. There is no way that I can get a model finished in a month. Oh well. I'll be in the next one.:D

You must be able to get something finished by the end of December :)

11-23-2002, 01:03 PM
For the voting here's another suggestion...

Only those who enter a model have the right to vote? In doing so, you avoid the "bogus"people.

Just again another humble idea for the even more humble Guido :bloated:


Purpura Delujo
11-24-2002, 03:03 PM
Sounds good. Of course you would come first Pman, how could you not think that?:rolleyes:
I just wish I had a model that you all like done, you all seem to be import fans and you would most probably vote for that type of model.

11-25-2002, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Lowriders4Life
Sounds good. Of course you would come first Pman, how could you not think that?:rolleyes:
I just wish I had a model that you all like done, you all seem to be import fans and you would most probably vote for that type of model.

Well I would hope that people vote on the quality and the effort that has been put into the model. Not what type of model it is...

11-26-2002, 11:33 PM
even though i'll lose but i'll still enter.:finger:
gee, gotta get my gtr finish.:p

11-27-2002, 01:40 AM
Is it allowed to have combo of few photos in one photo?

primera man
11-27-2002, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by hrmodeler
Is it allowed to have combo of few photos in one photo?

LOL......I've been waiting 4 pages for this question !!!!
I dont see why not...if you can get them all in one pic with photoshop etc it will be cool

11-27-2002, 01:49 AM
Thanx Pman!

Now and other question, is there any limitation of photo size?:)

primera man
11-27-2002, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by hrmodeler
Thanx Pman!

Now and other question, is there any limitation of photo size?:)

Id like to try and keep them down to a 640X480 size for those with slow computer's

11-27-2002, 01:59 AM
Thanx again!

You know that I must ask when I'm someone who run contest too and know all that troubles about contests.:)

primera man
11-27-2002, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by hrmodeler
Thanx again!

You know that I must ask when I'm someone who run contest too and know all that troubles about contests.:)

So true....i'm hopeing it will run with no problems.
Hopefully people will see what i'm trying to do for AF and go easy on me if i do make the odd mistake ;) ;)

11-27-2002, 03:42 PM
vote: i want to vote but i dont have 20 posts.. i just like to read

entry: isnt there going to be a problem with people fixing up their models in photoshop.. ?? is there a way to stop that?

primera man
11-27-2002, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by ultraxduce
vote: i want to vote but i dont have 20 posts.. i just like to read

entry: isnt there going to be a problem with people fixing up their models in photoshop.. ?? is there a way to stop that?

You will be fine to vote....
*Only AF members can vote that are members before the 31st December 2002.

I guess you can stop anybody who wants to photoshop....just comes down to how honest you are at the end of the day.

11-29-2002, 03:43 PM
Just be ready for some stiff competition!! I'm comin' through with the best model!!!! :D :D :D (just tryin' to get everyone hyped up!!:D )

11-30-2002, 10:06 AM
I guess you can stop anybody who wants to photoshop....just comes down to how honest you are at the end of the day.

isnt there a tool in paintshop that tells u the number of edited pixels???

11-30-2002, 10:56 AM
there is that.

12-04-2002, 01:36 AM
hello my name is jamie and i was wondering how to make my own forum thing like you's have:cool:

12-04-2002, 01:42 AM
i was just wondering how you's wer'e going with your models me pretty good:o

12-04-2002, 01:49 AM
hello what are you doing my name is jamie i'm new to the forum:flash:

12-04-2002, 03:06 AM
Welcome to the AF Jamiej!
I recomend you that you read FAQ first. There you will find mayn answers and tips.

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