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Debadging your ride....

08-20-2007, 08:25 PM
Been meaning to put this litttle thing together.

You'll need some dental floss (http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/323630/2/istockphoto_323630_dental_floss.jpg), and some goo gone.
Wouldnt hurt to have paper towels and some carwash detergent for clean up after.

- First pull off about 4-5 feet of floss.(i'm using large floss)
- Fold it over so thier's two strands together, as seen below.

- Then slide it under a corner(as seen above) of the badge you are removing.
- Try and use an up and down or sawing motion, you will break the floss,
that's why I suggested pulling out so much at one time.
-- Let the floss do the work !!
(If its cutting into your fingers try less presure or some loght gloves.)

- As it heats up, the waxy coating will aid the cutting of the foam backing that's holding it on.

When you get through the piece you will be left with this...

- Using your finger start pulling up the edges of the foam.
- Try and remove all the foam tape you can, then apply some GooGone to a paper towel.
- Gently dab the GooGone onto the places you are removing from. Work in small areas.

- Dont rub to hard! or you will scratch the paint and you dont want that. :grinno:

- After the remains are removed wash thoroughly with soap to remove the residue from the GOO Gone.
- May have a ghost image for a few months, but they do disappear. Using a good paste wax also will remove the shadow(s) and give the newly exposed area some protection.

- Should look like this when done!

Also thought I'd throw in this bonus.....

If you dont like the color of your front Pontiac emblem you can paint it to match what ever you like.
Just tape it off like this.(shabby tape job I know)

Then you end up with something like this. :iceslolan

Questions, comments post in the Grand am forum or PM me.

Good Luck

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