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how to dissable auto door locks?

08-15-2007, 07:23 PM
anybody know how to disable auto door locks on 92 olds cutlas ciera s.Damn thing getting anoying everythime i put it in gear it locks the doors but doesnt unlock them..I still want my door locks but not the auto door locks..:banghead:

08-15-2007, 08:43 PM
There are 2 ways I can think of. MOST of them have a fuse for it. Can't remember the name specifically, but there SHOULD be one.

If not, locate the CHIME MODULE (the box that the chime comes out of when the door is open, and the key is in the ignition, or you leave your headlights on. There will be a small connector coming out of the end of it with like 4 wires. Just unplug that 4 wire connector and it will disable the auto door locks.

If you want to upgrade to the setup that will UNLOCK your doors when you turn the key off, get a chime module out of like a 1995-1996 Cutlass SUPREME. You will have to add 1 wire (the unlock wire), but other than that one wire, it will be plug-n-play.

I installed the auto locking/unlocking chime module in my 1988 Cutlass Supreme (didn't have ANY of the locking/unlocking features to begin with), and my 1990 Grand Prix STE (locked, but didn't unlock). With the STE, I just had to add the one wire.

In the 1995-1997 Cutlass Supreme, most of the times, the chime module is located on the bracket that the steering column is attached too kinda up high. If you can't find one, then look for a 1995-1996 Pontiac Grand Prix (same module), but it should be on the passenger side under the dash below the glove box.

I can get pics of the locations if you want them.

08-16-2007, 07:53 AM
95 ciera also auto unlocks

08-16-2007, 07:55 PM
yea maybe some pics be good, to see what im actually looking at..

08-17-2007, 09:35 PM
i found the chime module it has big plug with bunch of wires and it has like 4 seperate wires, one for each plug,theres not one pug that has 4 wires to it..all seperate wires, seems like they were two orange wires and a black and cant remember the other one.but each one has a female spade plugged into by itself, hard to reach it too..started to rain so had to put it back together quick..will try it again when nice weather..

08-17-2007, 10:42 PM
I don't have my book with me. I will try to get it tomorrow.

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