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Where should I stop?

08-12-2007, 02:04 PM
Hey guys. I'm a complete noob when it comes to cars. I have a 2002 cavy with the 2.2 NON-Ecotec. The car is in great condition. Lets just say I like seeing what she'll do at red lights sometimes. It has an auto transmission. What is the highest rpm I should get it to? I dont want to damage the car in any way. Thanks for any help!

08-12-2007, 02:13 PM
not to be an ass or anything but if you have to ask you probly shouldnt be doing it.

08-12-2007, 02:21 PM
And ummm, there's nothing a 2.2 auto will do at a redlight except slowly creep away lol

08-12-2007, 02:26 PM
well dont ever rev an automatic while in neutral if thats what you are doing. and any car can red line and have governer with a fuel cut or or rev limiter just dont hold it there. and if you want to peel out press on the brake then push on the accelerator a bit to get some power. you will feel it want to pull but dont break through the break pressure (test it out) then as you let off the brake floor it and you should peel out a bit nothing great no smoke but some noise if thats what you are looking for

08-12-2007, 02:30 PM
Haha, thx for the replies guys. I know the 2.2 has nothing performance wise. I was just mainly wondering if it was ok to redline it. :iceslolan

08-12-2007, 03:00 PM
never ever really good to redline unless its high performance thats how you throw rods through the engine

08-12-2007, 04:57 PM
yeah either power brake or hold the e-brake never neutral drop or you're neutral drop your transmission on the ground, lol.

08-12-2007, 06:12 PM
well dont ever rev an automatic while in neutral if thats what you are doing. and any car can red line and have governer with a fuel cut or or rev limiter just dont hold it there. and if you want to peel out press on the brake then push on the accelerator a bit to get some power. you will feel it want to pull but dont break through the break pressure (test it out) then as you let off the brake floor it and you should peel out a bit nothing great no smoke but some noise if thats what you are looking for

Yes you can rev an automatic while in neutral, when the hell else are you suppose to rev? in park? lol... you're not gonna shift to park when you are at a red light and rev and then shift back to D... you just gonna move 1 up to N and rev and then once the engine comes back down you shift back to D...

08-12-2007, 06:54 PM
Ummm. There's really no reason to rev up your engine unless you're just trying to prove you have a stock granny car. And if you're doing nuetral drops, you might as well start saving money right now for the repairs. Plus, it actually makes the car launch more slowly - just more noise/ego.

If you wanna race it, mash the gas pedal (in D - not N or 1st) and don't let up till you're done. You shouldn't hurt much except your pride - when the other car goes past.

08-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Ummm. There's really no reason to rev up your engine unless you're just trying to prove you have a stock granny car. And if you're doing nuetral drops, you might as well start saving money right now for the repairs. Plus, it actually makes the car launch more slowly - just more noise/ego.

If you wanna race it, mash the gas pedal (in D - not N or 1st) and don't let up till you're done. You shouldn't hurt much except your pride - when the other car goes past.

So you have a slow auto 2200 OHV and you think my 2.2 Eco is slow too?

You better start reading...

When you have a cat-back exhaust, and you rev, it doesnt sound stock... i dont see how you are saying that it sound like a granny car..

08-13-2007, 07:32 AM
The original question wasn't about your car, Lefix. I have a 1997 2.4L, not a 2.2L. I also have driven enough cars in my lifetime (literally thousands) to be realistic about the fact that no matter what I put on the cav, it's still never going to be all that fast.

So I dont:

rev the engine at stoplights.
put money into performance mods.
try to "drift" or "race" it.

If others want to do that stuff, it's ok with me - have fun with it. I just try and be a voice of reason and I hope I don't always come off as a being a jerk.

08-13-2007, 10:26 AM
i rev my engine sometimes... =[

...i like the sound tho =]


08-13-2007, 01:41 PM
yeah everyone revs, but they wait for it to come back down before slamming it in drive, what do you think we are, MRDD?

08-13-2007, 03:41 PM
Ya n Lefix your cars slow too it dosen't matter if its a damn 2.2 ecotec its still a slow ass car with a louder exhaust, u talk about your car like its so fast im guess u have never drove anything with some real power.

I drove a 2003 SVT Cobra now that car has some real power

08-13-2007, 06:13 PM
well no shit that car has some power, cavaliers dont come with 390 horsepower supercharged v8s

08-13-2007, 08:01 PM
cavaliers dont come with 390 horsepower supercharged v8s
they dont???:confused:

08-14-2007, 07:17 AM
shakewell i dont think you know what the hell you are talking about when u say no matter what u put in a cavy its never going to be all that fast???? GM took a 2.2l ecotec cavy and tuned it till it had 1080 hp adn it did a 7.665 E.T 1/4 mile and just under 180mph. So i dont know where u got that idea from but w/e. U can take ne car u want pretty much a make it go fast so long as they make the parts for it and u have the money to do so.

08-14-2007, 08:55 PM
I guess you proved me wrong, but

To say that the car you're referring to is a cavalier is just as absurd as calling a NASCAR vehicle a "Monte Carlo" or whatever. At some point it isn't really that car anymore and to compare it to some amateur guy putting aftermarket exhaust and a cold air intake is ridiculous. The amount of money it took to build that monstrosity could buy you a new corvette that runs on premium and you could actually drive it down the street for three years with a manufacturers warranty. And it would whip the sh*t out of most cavs - stock. So go ahead and build your 1080hp cavalier - but you're going to need a good truck and a trailer to pull it to events - and an everyday car as well. I just think it's stupid.

Go ahead a mod a cav - it's fun. Make it faster than stock and brag about it - it's all good. Just be realistic. It will eventually hit a point where other more performance minded cars with similar mods and the same money invested will eat it alive. It's a fact. That's all I'm saying.

08-15-2007, 06:58 AM
Just one more question about it. I dunno whether it is safe to keep the car in neutral while going or going fast? say down the hill?

08-15-2007, 07:11 AM
Putting the car in Nuetral isn't really bad for it. Putting it back into Drive could be bad for it. If you're cruising pretty fast, the trans will have to jump into gear all of a sudden - and that could be bad, too. It's not like a manual transmission. I wouldn't recommend doing it, but as long as the engine speed is at about idle you can switch back and forth.

08-15-2007, 02:41 PM
im not saying everyone is gunna go out and drop tens of thousands of dollars in a cavy im just saying its possible to make any kind of car out there fast with the right stuff. And besides i think its fun to take a little cavalier and make it go a little faster or even boost it. I dont care if u can take a camaro or mustang or any other better platform out there and make them faster, if i wanted to do that i would of kept my old z28.

08-18-2007, 12:47 AM
Cavaliers are a whole lot of fun to mod within reason. Key words: Within REASON! Z24's have a whole lot of potential. But 2.2l's aren't even a motor. They are more like a hamster on a wheel. Not enough market, not enough potential. And dude, i used to do the same thing with my first cavalier, a 2.2l, and you'll wreck that tranny so fast if you keep it up. Just a word of advice. You don't wanna try to be a hot-ass and then wait for a tow truck in the middle of an intersection.

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