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New Lancer. New Motor?

08-11-2007, 01:41 AM
I Just luckly fell in to a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer OZ Rally. Paid 200$ for it. reason being is because my uncle gave him a truck for it and couldnt afford the car right now. but the body kit that was on it was all messed up and the front passenger side axle. Now its running and Stock. SLOW. i had it checked at a transmission shop up the street and they said it was running good. Are there any engine swaps for it.. im not looking converting it to awd that would be just stupid. but i want to know if there is a short cut to makin it run alot quicker than it is now. like an Evo 5 motor or even a eclipse gst engine. just starting out at 120 hp is gonna suck. but im only looking for about 230. it allready has a greddy tic on it.


08-11-2007, 06:02 PM
Never mind there is a local shop that is going to port and polish my block soo im just going to rebuild everything from ground up.

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